My Summer as a Comcast Intern

Pictured (Back row): Kelsey Boyd, Jon Lopes, Laura Nguyen, Allison Quilty, John Hilferty, and Sadiyah Sabree. (Front) Michelle Saul-Yamasaki .
By Allison Quilty, Comcast Intern, Xfinity Communities Group
As an intern at the Comcast Headquarters in Philadelphia this summer, I am absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to get as involved as possible during the three months I have here. I will be starting my senior year at Saint Joseph’s University in August and am studying marketing, so I am very lucky to have a marketing internship at Comcast.
I’m working in the Xfinity Communities Group, helping to set up a new rewards program for Comcast employees. It has been great to be involved with so much of the project, from interacting with the vendor creating the online platform to observing program review meetings, and my team has been amazing at getting me involved very quickly. I even got to travel to Comcast’s Northeast Division’s headquarters in New Hampshire for a sales summit during my third week on the job!
Comcast was my first choice for an internship this summer. I had heard great things about the Philadelphia internship program – which hosts about 250 student interns and co-ops at headquarters alone – and all the professional development that is offered to interns. When I applied back in October, I definitely had my fingers crossed. After my first round interview, I knew I had to spend my summer with Comcast. The company’s culture of innovation, as well as its commitment to giving back to the community, really appealed to me. It’s clear that Comcast wants to invest in you as both an intern looking for experience and as a potential future employee.
I have gotten involved at Comcast in a bigger way by sitting on a committee of eight interns from all areas of the company, planning a “Comcast Cares Day for Interns.” Comcast Cares Day, held each spring, is a celebration of the company’s year-round commitment to service, and has grown to become the nation’s largest single-day corporate volunteer event. For Comcast summer interns, the goal is to recreate that event on a smaller scale, and it’s a great way to see the company’s culture in action! Our planning committee of interns is truly a cross-functional team, and it’s been a great experience to work together to plan an afternoon of volunteerism at SHARE Food Program. We hope to turn out 100 Comcast interns on July 24 to help pack food and clean up SHARE’s outdoor garden.
As you can imagine, I’m an enthusiastic supporter of internships, and in my case I’ve been able to get diverse experience in three completely different industries all before graduation. I think one of the most important things you learn in an internship is what kind of work you like and don’t like. Learning how I like to work and what my strengths are in my past internships helped me determine that a permanent position at Comcast would be a perfect fit!
I’m so excited to see what the rest of the summer holds with “Comcast Cares Day for Interns” and the work I’m doing in Xfinity Communities! It has been a great experience so far that I know I can build upon in the future.